Personal Guide for You and Your Friends to Save the Planet, and Also Your Health
Watch for Kathy’s upcoming book! It’s a guide to take personal control of climate change and your health at the same time. The first step is eating deliciously sustainable food.
As a nutritionist married to a Nobel award-winning climate scientist, a personal solution to global warming has become so clear: the answer is to take control of the food on our plates – how empowering!
Get ready to change the daunting conversation over climate change into solutions to curb your personal planet impact through your own habits, largely the food you eat. We’ll serve up cuisine from regions around the world, with a savory side dish of better health and an optional dessert of weight management! Warning – you may suck in some unintended science about your planet, not even on the menu!
My first beautiful plate that closes Chapter 1 of the book, artfully prepared and photographed by MariaYoungPhotography.
Get the recipes by clicking on the SIGN-UP button here
Here’s a fascinating website,, with stark visualizations of potential sea-level rise around big cities. You can explore the world with their interactive maps! We’re using them as models in the upcoming Sustainable Diet Party Plan book – each chapter will open with a map, and another stunning visual to whet your appetite for saving the planet. Stay tuned!
Check out this article about Professor Michael Mann and the reaction he got from his published “hockey stick” graph indicating how our planet has warmed since the Industrial Revolution. His story and research is featured in the upcoming book!